Journal Entry #7: Digital Access
Today in BBT, I watched a video on Digital Access and Privacy. I don't believe internet access is a human right, however it is certainly something everyone should have access to if needed. There are so many issues that not having internet access will create, but if you do have access and abuse this opportunity, you shouldn't have it. I definitely don't think there are enough public places with WiFi. Even if a place does have wifi, we have no idea if it's secure or not, or even if it's the right network we're connecting to. I do be concerned about my privacy online, but I never usually do anything to help secure myself, which I probably should. I have Snapchat and Facebook secure so that nobody can view my profile unless they request me, and I should do this for more apps. Yes, I actually worry about this all the time. I've definitely posted some things I regret, such as embarrassing pictures or mean comments, and I worry this will effect me getting a job in the future. I think the biggest issue when it comes to young people and Digital Access is that they don't worry about their privacy enough. I am constantly hearing stories on the news of kidnappers tracking down kids from their social media location or kids talking to strangers online and then being abducted. I believe this could all be prevented if we paid more attention to the things we post and share online.
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