3D Printed Car

Do you think the use of 3D printing can help car designers? Why or why not?
No, I don't think it helped car designers at all. In fact, I think it's kind of a waste of time. If we already have a method of building cars that is fast, and works perfectly then there's no need to try and make it more technical, especially if i's going to take longer than the previous method.

Do you think that cars would ever be manufactured this way? Explain your reasoning.
I think that if we ever find a way to manufacture these types of cars faster and more efficient then maybe people would manufacture them this way, but if not then most car producers will probably stick to the old way and continue making the cars in a way suitable for everybody.

What would you create with a 3D printer? It could be a car, part of a car or any other item. Discuss.
I would create a couch with a 3D printer. It sounds weird, but I think it would be cool to have a couch in any style, color or print you wanted it. Also, just the fact of being able to sit on something you designed with a computer would be pretty cool.

If you were going to create your own car, which body style would you use (consider the body styles you explored in a previous assignment)? Explain why.
I would probably create a convertible style car. Ever since "High School Musical", I've always wanted a pink convertible and I don't like the way any other styles look, so if I could design my own my lifelong dream would come true.

Shana and Hannah


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