Assignment: Privacy Please

Situation #2 

  • It would be easier for people to vote and maybe more wold participate.
  • It would also be easier to count/calculate the votes.
  • It would eliminate the fear of votes being counted incorrectly.
  • May enable hackers to tamper with votes.
  • System could glitch, and all information would be lost.
  • People might not as much trust in a computer as they would a real person.
Situation #3
  • It would be easy for parents to check their kids attendance and grades.
  • Easy way to store information.
  • No worries about ditching school.
  • Website could be tampered with
  • Information could be typed/submitted incorrectly
  • People without internet access could have a difficult time seeing grades.
Situation #5
  • Eliminate the need for homeschooling.
  • Studying would be much easier and more efficient.
  • Eliminate the costs of textbooks.
  • People without internet access couldn't learn.
  • It would be harder for people with verbal learning ability or hands on learning ability to comprehend information.
  • Information could be tampered with or deleted.


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